Monday, June 2, 2008

Just Us Girls

Saturday night, one of my closest friends and I decided that we both deserved a Girls' Night Out -- no hubbys, no kiddos, just she and I. It's been YEARS since she and I had a night out together...let's see, maybe 10 years? Yeah, tell me about it! Life gets crazy and you get married, have kids, and tend to forget that you need to get out once in a while! The last time was Ybor City in Tampa, in 1998? Yikes! We see each other often enough and talk on the phone nearly every day, but we just never get the chance to get away!

So, what did we do on our night out? We hit TGI Fridays for a drink or two and some appetizers then ventured over to the AMC 24 to watch Sex In the City! What a great movie especially if you watched the tv series at all! Lots of laughs and tears! Have you ever been to a movie where at certain parts of the movie, nearly everyone in the theater sighs, "Awwwww..."? It was definitely a first for me.

And since the previews for the new upcoming movies looked so great, we made a promise to each other to do it again very soon!

So, ladies, if you are thinking about going to see Sex In the City, call your girlfriends and make a great night of it, because YOU DESERVE IT!

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